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The journey of an apprentice at Hays Travel: Caitlin Wilkinson

Date Posted: 13/09/2017

When talking about the future of our company we often mention our apprenticeship programme. With an award-winning, in-house training team we have everything needed to unlock tomorrow’s talent.

Hays Travel offers a highly rewarding apprenticeship programme, which is the first step in what we hope to be a long and satisfying career with the company. And with over 150 managers who joined us as apprentices, we have proven that by helping us to build our future our apprentices build theirs.

Caitlin’s journey with the company started a week before her 16th birthday. Caitlin had only just left school, where she hadn’t performed as well as others. One year down the line, having worked in both our long haul product team and in the social media department, she’s now working towards an NVQ qualification and has gained heaps of confidence in the work place. 

She said: “When I started my careeer in Business Admin a year ago I knew that this was something which would open many doors for me within the company.

“I left school without the grades behind me that would make building a promising future easier. However, thanks to my apprenticeship with Hays Travel I was able to retake some of the subjects that I didn’t pass when I was in school.

“My first experience with the company was within the long haul product team, where my daily tasks would involve things such as sourcing different destination offers for the website. While working in this team I developed skills I just didn’t think I would ever have when I first started.

“I was moved into the social media department three months later. I was excited to meet new people and do something different. Working in a new team was intimidating at first, but things changed massively very quickly as my new colleagues were lovely and I was soon brought out of my shell. I now feel as though this was my original team.

“I now know how to speak to people on the phone in the correct manner and always try my best to resolve any issues that they are having with Facebook etc. We have some hard days and some relatively easy ones but there is never a dull moment within the department.”

Follow in Caitlin's footsteps and find out more about our programme here
