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Sunderland Tall Ships 2018

Date Posted: 25/06/2018

Did you know that in just 15 days, for the first time ever, Sunderland will become the gathering point for over 50 vessels taking part in the Tall Ships Races?

From the 10th until the 14th of July, Sunderland Port will be buzzing with life as it welcomes the international fleet and delivers fun, family friendly events for everyone to enjoy.

One thing we are really excited about is for our three sponsored sail trainees to embark on the journey of a lifetime to Esbjerg in Denmark. This adventure is sure to help them develop invaluable skills, make friends and long lasting memories and we are proud to be able to support such a fantastic project.

Last week at the final briefing, all trainees were told what to expect from life on the sea and also had the pleasure of meeting The Right Worshipful Mayor of Sunderland, Councillor Lynda Scanlan, who gave a heartfelt speech about what this event means to her and encouraged every trainee to take the time to appreciate this experience.

While listening to the presentation, one thing caught my attention. It’s clear that it won’t be all fun and games for our trainees with 3am starts to their day for lookout duty, however I can’t begin to imagine the feeling of being in that moment of peace and quiet when you look up at the stars to the soothing soundtrack of the North Sea.

A lot of work and passion has gone into organising this event and it’s definitely something that should not be missed!
