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"It’s great to work for a company which is opening shops not closing them."

Date Posted: 24/03/2017

Whether you’re on the hunt for a job in the travel industry or you’re looking for an alternative to college or university, our apprenticeships offer multiple ways of gaining and developing skills and expert knowledge while earning.

We have been speaking to our Assistant Manager at Hays Travel Billingham, Atherlie, who is a perfect example of how Hays Travel makes this possible.

The beginning of her journey

“I joined Hays Travel back in 2008 when I was 16. I’d only just left school and wanted to go to college to do Travel and Tourism but didn’t want to spend more time in education. I was very shy and quiet during my first six months and thought the job wasn't for me, however, I adapted quick enough to be named Apprentice of the Year!”

Endless opportunities

“I’ve had some great opportunities with Hays Travel. In December last year I went on an educational trip to Miami for one night and a six night Caribbean cruise. This was an amazing opportunity for me as I am not very confident with cruise and this has definitely helped me with new enquiries. I got to see some amazing destinations and I am truly grateful to have had this experience. It was also something out of the normal for me as I never thought I would go anywhere without knowing anyone and I met some great people.”

Proudest moments

“In September last year I was nominated for Travel Agent of the Year with TTG. I didn't win but it was a fantastic experience to travel to London and attend the awards, and such an honour to even be nominated!”


But there’s always a challenge when climbing the career ladder…

“Becoming an Assistant Manager has to be the biggest challenge I’ve faced while working at Hays Travel. From the very beginning of my career with the company I had said I would never want to be in any type of management, I didn’t feel like it was for me. However, the opportunity came up, and with some encouragement from my colleagues I applied and got the job!  

“One of my best friends was working in the branch at the time, which is why I found it hard to coach and manage her. With help from my manager, Charlotte, the Rising Stars Programme, and trainer, Leanne Cox, I worked towards developing my management skills further and I now feel more confident and continue to progress every day.”

Life at Hays Travel today

“I didn't really know what to expect of Hays Travel when I first started as I was so young, but now I can’t believe how much the company has grown and changed. It is great to work for a company who is opening shops not closing them. Hays Travel is the right place for me as I can be myself with my colleagues and customers, and I have met some lovely people, who have become my close friends.”




