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I'm a travel agent, get me out of here!

Date Posted: 16/08/2017

A group of our travel agents recently headed for the great outdoors to raise funds for the Naomi House & Jacksplace - a Hampshire based charity providing expert hospice care to life-limited children and young people.

Amy, Audrey and Hayley from Hays Travel Winchester, Chris from Eastleigh, Jordan from Boscombe and Zara and Poppy from Hays Travel Fordingbridge completed a 20 mile ‘I’m a celebrity, get me out of here’ inspired trek through the New Forest!

As well as rationing themselves to rice and beans, building a shelter and bedding down on the forest floor for the night, our travel agents initiated their own Bush Tucker style challenges. Some of those included tasting Jelly Beans with not-so-tasty flavours such as rotten eggs, grass clippings, dog food and mouldy cheese!

Fordingbridge branch manager said: “Last year at our retail conference ‘I'm A Celebrity’ was on and we got discussing it and I put the idea across to a few other managers then the ideas just rolled in from there.

“It is an amazing feeling knowing we have managed to raise vital funds, which will provide a service to hundreds of life-limited and life-threatened children, young people and their families from across Central Southern England.

“I was well out my comfort zone, I've never walked anything like I did on the day and I was in a lot of pain after. However, considering what we've raised the pain was worth it and I would do it again tomorrow if I could!”

Hayley from Hays Travel Winchester said: “I really admire hospices as my granddad had to go in one before he died and sometimes you forget that children unfortunately have to go into one when they haven't even begun to live. I admire how productive they are and how much care and support they give to not only the children but to their families as well.” 

So far our branches have raised a total of £370. In addition, in the run up to the challenge, Hays Travel Fordingbridge and Winchester held in-store bake sales to support the fundraising process.

Find out more about the charity and its mission here.

