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Hays Travel win national award

Date Posted: 08/08/2017

Hays Travel was recognised as the best high street travel agent in the country at this year’s glitzy Agent Achievement Awards at London’s Park Plaza Westminster Hotel.

Held last month and attended by more than 800 people, the Agent Achievement Awards are the biggest celebration of the travel trade in the UK. Throughout the years Hays Travel has won a number of regional awards but never the national top prize.

The award honours the hard work of everyone within the company, from our invaluable head office employees to each one of our brilliant and knowledgeable travel consultants across the country.  

Managing Director, John Hays, said: “We’ve been growing quite rapidly over the last few years, both by opening new shops and through acquisitions.

“We’re trading very well – we wouldn’t be opening new stores if we weren’t. We have 150 shops and plans for more.

“The award is proof that if you have the right staff and the right product then it can work. The key is staff. They are everything and I’m especially proud of them.”

On a regional level, Hays Travel scooped the Best Large Travel Agency award for Yorkshire, North Midlands and the North East of England.
