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Hays Travel donation to support community playground construction

Date Posted: 17/05/2017

The Hays Travel Foundation recently donated £5,000 to support fundraising by Ivybridge based charity, Friends of the Erme Primary School.

The funds are set to go towards the creation of a free of charge, community sports space in Victoria Public Park in Ivybridge. This will enable pupils of Erme Primary to play at all times of the year as the school were seeking funding to provide the hard surfacing needed to build a safe to use playground.

The project will allow the replacement of the current tarmac surface, along with the placement of play markings and safe, accessible in most weather conditions facilities and goals for football, netball and basketball.  

Kay Winstone, Chair of Friends of the Erme Primary School, said: "We are so excited with such a large donation from Hays Travel and are pushing hard to allow works to start soon. We cannot thank Hays Travel enough for their engagement with every step of the project supporting us along the way.”

The Hays Travel Foundation was founded in 2015 with a main objective to work with organisations that support people, who for one reason or another, need a bit of help to achieve their potential.

You can find more information and apply for a grant here.
