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The World's Most Romantic Cities

Date Posted: 14/02/2020

Happy Valentines Day!

As you all probably know, the whole point of today is to show your significant other how much you really love them. Whether it's an act of kindness, sending a card, or presenting them with a bunch of flowers or tray of chocolates... it's all about letting that special someone know you appreciate them - an awful lot. 

So, we thought we'd celebrate this happy day by sharing with you the world's most romantic cities. Plus, even better, learn how they say "I love you" to one another. Aww, how adorable is that?!

Rome, Italy 

"Ti Amo!"

Paris, France

"J t'aime!"

Bruges, Belgium

"Ik hou van jou!"

Kyoto, Japan

“Aishite imasu!” or “愛しています”

Marrakech, Morocco

“Ana Uhibboki!” or "أنا أحبُّ"


