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Happy Holi: A Colourful Celebration

Date Posted: 10/03/2020

Probably the world’s most colourful celebration… we’d like to say Happy Holi! 

Today (and yesterday) marks the annual get-together known as the ‘Festival of Colours’, which is a joyous Hindu festival that takes place across India. The idea is to celebrate the arrival of spring and harvest season but also to signify the victory of good over evil; particularly by the burning and destruction of a demoness named Holika. It has been celebration for centuries and dates all the way back to the 4th century CE. 

The great thing about it is that everyone comes together as one. Despite it traditionally being a Hindu festival, most of India’s people want to join in because it’s such a magical gathering. On the eve of Holi you can expect to see people throwing wood, dried leaves, and twigs into bonfires to signify the burning of evil spirits.

On the day of the festival, watch as everyone throws coloured powder and water balloons around, covering each other with hues of the rainbow as they dance through the streets and temples. 

If you don’t mind getting dirty then Holi is the festival for you; it’s care-free and you’ll end up saturated in water with colour all over your clothes. So, it’s recommended you wear something you don’t mind getting ruined.

Mathura is where you’ll see most of the Holi celebrations; the birthplace of Lord Krishna. However, you’ll also find many more joining in Jaipur, Udaipur, and Goa. The two days of the festival change every year, so if you love the sound of this colourful extravaganza and want to join 2021’s parade then you’ll have to keep an eye out for next year’s date. Top tip: if you wish to visit Mathura and celebrate Holi you’ll need to book a hotel far in advance. 

Unlike many other of India’s famous festivals, Holi doesn’t have any religious rituals that need to be performed… it really is all about having as much fun as possible!


