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Discover Sri Lanka!

Date Posted: 29/10/2018

Temples, wildlife, delicious cuisine and jaw dropping scenery is what Sri Lanka has to offer.

A trip to Sri Lanka definitely needs a trip to Sigiriya, the ancient Lion Rock fortress that attracts thousands of people every year. Its beautiful rocky plateau is 370m above sea level and is formed from magma of an extinct volcano. It also sits 200 metres above the surrounding jungle, so as you can imagine, it offers AMAZING views. The complex includes remains of a palace, surrounded by a network of gardens, ponds, canals, alleys, and fountains. It’s a big climb full of spiral staircases and sheer drops, but the history and sights make it well worth the trek.

The western wall of Sigiriya is almost ENTIRELY covered by frescoes; a painting executed on freshly laid or wet lime plaster. There are 18 frescoes… all are of nude females! The mirror wall is another spectacular feature, known for being highly polished, though now it is painted with inscriptions and poems from visitors throughout the years. Today is now prohibited to write on the wall.

Fan of wildlife? Why not get up close and personal with some elephants? Casually stroll along with them, watch their every move and admire the sheer size of these beautiful animals.  You can even bathe in the same river as the elephant! It’ll be one of the highlights of your trip to Sri Lanka.

Yala National Park is a huge area of forest, grassland and lagoons that borders the Indian Ocean. It offers the best place in the world for spotting leopards. The park is divided up into five blocks, the most popular (block one) housing approximately 40 leopards. It’s not guaranteed that you’ll see a leopard as they are wild animals; however there are 44 species of mammals and 215 bird species you could potentially spot. It’s not just animals either; nearby caves contain centuries-old rock paintings.  

There’s one of the world’s top 10 unusual hotels too, Kumbuk River. The Elephant Villa is the main reason as to why they are world famous. An enormous 40ft eco-friendly elephant structure presents two huge bedrooms and an open lounge. On the ground floor, the lounge is a fantastic place to chill out and have a bite to eat. The eco corridor leads to a large beautiful bathroom. This is without doubt one of the most unique sleeps you’ll have!  

You’ve sampled amazing views, wildlife and unusual hotels, but you can’t go to Sri Lanka without sampling some of its cuisine. There are definite parallels to Indian food, as Sri Lankans love their spices. Curries and deep fried snacks are what you can expect. Whatever you choose is going to be mouth-wateringly DELICIOUS. As an island with a tropical climate, fish and coconuts are two of the most commonly used components of Sri Lankan cuisine. Whether its fish curry with mixed rice, chili fish curry, beetroot curry or jackfruit curry, you name it and it’s in a curry!​

After all this exploring, the only right thing to do would be to relax. This means the white, soft sands of Arugam Bay are calling you! This moon-shaped, palm tree lined island is the perfect place to come for a beach day. It has become one of the world’s top surf destinations and it’s by no surprise. Some say there’s not a better place to surf in the world, which is probably why big companies organise competitions here. Rent a board in town and discover some of the most popular surf spots such as baby point, peanut farm beach, main point, or elephant point. Surfing not your thing? Just splash around in the sea!

This is just a drop in the ocean of what Sri Lanka has to offer. Its diverse landscapes and experiences make it the perfect place to sample a bit of everything. Make sure to book up today!
