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Top Tips for Taking Instagram Worthy Pictures

Date Posted: 12/08/2024

Get ready for your next getaway with our top tips and tricks for taking Instagram worthy pictures while on the go. Capturing those once in a lifetime moments is the perfect way to create lasting memories. Whether you are an avid Instagram user or a complete novice. We have some tips to elevate your Instagram game and create memories to last a lifetime.

1) Use natural light

Where possible, use natural light instead of using your flash. Natural light makes for the best results for your pictures. If you aren’t able to get outdoors to take pictures try using natural light coming in from the window.

2) Keep the horizon straight

Keeping your phone straight will instantly make your picture better. Luckily there is a really easy way to make sure you get a straight picture every
time. Based on an iPhone, go to Settlings then Camera and just tap on the Grid toggle to make sure it’s active. Gridlines will now overlay the photo when you’re taking it, making it easy to align your shot.

3) Remember the rule of thirds

Using your gridlines you can now improve the composition of your photographs by using the rule of thirds. Using this feature will help you place the most important features along the gridlines.

4) Switch on HDR

HDR or High Dynamic Range is a feature on your phone where if an image has high levels of contrast it will take multiple different exposures and merge them together into one image for a better photograph. For example, a bright sunset and dark mountain can be merged together to get the perfect shot. Based on an iPhone, go to Settings, then Camera and just tap on the HDR toggle to make sure it’s active.

5) Use burst mode

To get the perfect shot when the subject is moving, use burst mode which can be found in your camera settings. For example, on most iPhones simply swipe the shutter button to the left to take a series of continuous pictures until you lift your finger. You’ll be sure to capture the perfect action shot.

6) Don’t be afraid of negative space
You don’t need to fill your full screen with lots of different elements. Empty space in a photograph is an excellent way to make one area a focus and make it stand out. These images also tend to look great on social media as there is more impact on a small screen.

7) Shoot during ‘Golden Hour

Golden hour is just after sunrise and sunset. The light is soft and golden and give amazing warmth to your pictures. Try taking a shot of something at both sunrise and sunset to compare and see which turns out best. 

8) Use Depth 

Adding depth to your images will make them more interesting. Instead of focusing on one element of the scene, create layers to make it more appealing to the eye.  

9) Practice makes perfect 

In the weeks leading up to your holiday play around with your phone and get comfortable with the features. Learning new features your phone is capable of is the perfect way to really get excited about your upcoming holiday. 

10) Have fun! 

Try new things and have fun with it. Take as many pictures as you like and simply delete the ones that didn’t work. Be creative with your shots and create memories you can cherish forever. 



What are your top tips for getting that perfect holiday picture? 
