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Staff Educational: Windstar Cruise

Date Posted: 12/10/2023

Hollie from our Social Media team recently enjoyed a cruise around parts of the British Isles with Windstar Cruises, experiencing days in Oban, Belfast and Dublin. Cruising through the North Sea and then the Atlantic Ocean, dolphin spotting and catching beautiful sunsets, here’s what she got up to:

Day 1

After catching a train up to Edinburgh and then a short tram journey to Port of Leith, we boarded the Star Legend cruise liner. Checking in was a breeze; we were allocated our rooms and welcomed onto the ship. From the start, the staff onboard made the cruise experience a very homely one – nothing was too much to ask.

We were invited up to Candles Restaurant to enjoy lunch on the outside deck. The atmosphere on the ship was calm and relaxing and this would carry on throughout the 6 day trip. There was plenty of buffet style food to enjoy – from belly pork to Mediterranean style vegetables, we weren’t short of choice.

We embarked early evening and relished in a glass of champagne. Shortly afterwards and to everyone’s delight, the captain and his first officer raised the white and blue Windstar flag, before we headed to dinner at what turned out to be my favourite restaurant, Cuadro 44. We indulged in a 3-course menu of Tapas, entrée and of course dessert. An hour or so later we were in the Compass Rose watching the evening entertainment with a cocktail. Then it was time for bed, ready for a day at sea the following day.

Day 2

Although it was a day at sea, it was still an early start to see the sun come up. It was a smooth sailing to begin with and watching the sun reflect on the sea and shine through the clouds was very heart warming. For breakfast, I was feeling continental and was offered a latte – little did I know this would turn out to be one of  the best lattes I’d ever had. As the sun was shining, I decided to sit outside and really take in the views. Little did I know it but the table I chose would be the reason I would walk a little quicker to get to each morning. I found it the perfect way to start my day – a 10/10 latte, table with a beautiful view and 3 or 4 waiters would gather round to check how I was getting on. The personal service from the waiters was unique I felt, and I always enjoyed our conversations.

After breakfast it was time to head to the gym, and by gym, I mean state of the art fitness centre. The machines and weights were in pristine condition and most had a view either out on deck or out to sea. The cleanliness of the fitness centre was immaculate, complete with citrus infused water. Floor to ceiling mirrors, TV screen for viewing and a fresh aroma, I was highly impressed – hence the reason I visited here more than once.

A brilliant perk to Windstar Cruises is how guests are allowed to visit The Bridge; I sat with the captain for a few minutes while he talked me through some gadgets and buttons and basically how they control the ship on a daily basis. Binoculars are there for everyone to use, alongside a telescope to stargaze. One of the officers mentioned that sometimes at night, they had passengers who couldn’t sleep pop in to visit The Bridge and to use the telescope if it was a good setting. I thought this was fantastic!

As the ship was a ‘small’ cruise liner, I found it was the perfect setting for a day at sea. The vibes onboard were very relaxed, calm, and nicely quiet. Deck 7 was where the outdoor pool and one of the jacuzzies could be found. Right in the centre of the deck, it was complete with comfortable sun loungers. Once the sun warmed up it was the perfect setting to relax and read. Here is where I would chatter and get to know a handful of guests who were mainly from America, enjoying their voyage all the way to London. The conversations would flow and before we knew it, it was time for lunch.

Lunch was always in the Candles restaurant and again I’d find myself back in my favourite spot. A buffet style lunch however the service provided always meant it felt more than just a buffet. From fresh fruit, to Italian style pastas then onto cheeseboards galore, we always left the restaurant on a full stomach.

Once lunch had settled, it was time to enjoy the number one on my Star Legend bucketlist… the spa! It was the most flawless setting; eucalyptus oils steaming out of diffusers, pretty flowers littered around and the sound of silence. Bliss! A great perk that I didn’t expect on this liner, was how relaxed the dress code was. We were encouraged to come in our robes and slippers provided in our suites, instead of coming along full clothed, which somehow made the spa experience last that little bit longer. A warm welcome and a quick show around, I started my afternoon warming up on the thermal seats. This was later followed with a steam room and sauna – which I dragged out for as long as possible(!), then onto the waterfall shower before drying off and enjoying a cup of citrus water reflecting on how exquisite the spa experience had been. There are more options in the spa; you can book in for massages, facials and more. However, the spa in general was something I would encourage any Star Legend guest to experience.

Feeling so relaxed, I took myself on a wander on the outside decks. By this point we had reached the Orkney Islands and I don’t think I expected them to be as beautiful as they were. At this point the sea was so calm and almost glass like, therefore I was able to really enjoy passing them. I honestly think from sea is the only way to see how rugged yet perfectly green the islands are.

The hours seemed to pass by and then it was time for dinner. A 3 course a la carte with good company was a lovely setting to bring the day to a close. Full up on soup starter and chicken with pesto main, I had to finish off with a chocolate s’mores brownie. I ended the day mirroring how I had started it; sunset from the outside deck. Ready for bed I headed back to my suite to find it made up and the perfect lighting was set to fall into a nice sleep.

Day 3

At this point I accepted I was not going to enjoy a lie in due to being so intrigued at what each day would bring. Today it was a day in Oban, West Scotland. Known for McCaig’s Tower and viewing point, it was a sunny blue-sky day and I was ready to get some steps in. We caught a taxi boat to land and were inadvertently greeted with the sound of bagpipes, which we would hear throughout the day. We were told by other guests onboard that the fish and chips in Oban were definitely to sample, after all, it wasn’t known as ‘Scotland’s seafood capital’ for nothing! The queues were long but the food was worth the wait, especially after hiking up to the tower to take in the views of the town. Fishing boats and cruise liners were almost crowding the water, but the views of the islands behind were what caught my eye. In true Scottish style along came the rain, but it didn’t take long for the sun to come shining through. I had a wander in and out of local shops then along to the harbour. I laughed out loud at the sign that read ‘Beware theft by seagulls’, as no sooner had I read this, a seagull swooped down and swiped some seafood from a visitors hand. However, the seagulls mustn’t have threatened people that much as the queues were long. The insides of shops were decked out in tartan and I enjoyed taking a look through the attire they had for sale. From men’s kilts to cute baby suits, if I didn’t know I was in Scotland I definitely would now! Numerous paintings of highland cows and even more Saltire flags later, it was time to get the taxi boat back to Star Legend. By the looks of everyone’s faces, it seems they enjoyed Oban just as much as me.

Day 4 & 5

Today it was time for street art, back lane pubs and a city of architecture; Belfast! One of my favourite gritty cities, I knew Belfast was going to be fun. We decided to stretch our legs again today and take the 40minute walk instead of the shuttle bus provided by Windstar. First stop was City Hall. Buzzing with a mix of tourists and locals, a beautiful floral ‘Belfast’ sign was sat right in the middle of the city. An ‘Insta’ worthy pic indeed! We took a walk into City Hall and I was taken aback at how aesthetically pleasing the décor was inside. The wooden beams were polished, the staircases gleaming and the stained glass windows were stunning. Time for lunch we headed up a few back lanes and came across what I would describe as a grim looking, yet delightful bar where the food was exactly how I imagined… delightful! The bottle of Corona and lime wasn’t too bad either. As we had two days in Belfast we didn’t want to do too much in one go, so today we enjoyed the city and the graffiti, the shopping centres and the Belfast vibe. Heading back to the ship we underestimated how many steps we had done and how much we had actually seen, so it was time to enjoy the jacuzzi for a few hours before heading to dinner at the impressive Amphora restaurant. Tonight’s dinner was an interesting one as we were sat with 7 other guests to make up a table of 10. We dined with and got to know Canadian guests who brought engaging conversation. It was lovely evening, however slightly exhausted, we said goodnight and headed to bed ready for another full day in Belfast.

Today we decided to get the shuttle bus which only took around minutes to reach the city centre. Leia and I had decided to book a slot in the Titanic Museum, whilst Geri opted for Crumlin Jail at my recommendation. Titanic and Crumlin are both completely different yet interesting experiences, and I would highly recommend both to anyone visiting the city. The museum was so busy and throughout the day I heard several languages and accents, proving how popular Belfast is. We also took a stroll in and around St George’s market – an indoor market where locals showcase and sell their goods. From plant stalls to 80’s vinyl, the market was vibrant, bustled and a diamond in the rough. We opted for Revolución de Cuba for lunch for a spicy chicken burger and Mojito before calling it quits and catching the bus back to Star Legend. Naturally, we had managed to walk even more today than yesterday so a trip to the jacuzzi was due. Again, we sat in conversation with other guests before heading back to Amphora as a group (from Hays Travel) to enjoy our last dinner together. After this we headed to Compass Rose to watch the entertainment and enjoy a drink or 2. The nightlife on the ship was great; easy to watch as there aren’t too many guests onboard and just as easy to be served for drinks.

Day 6

Our last day was upon us, and apart from the wet weather, it didn’t disappoint… Dublin! We caught a train from the port into the heart of the city and as always when I have visited, Dublin was thriving! We headed first to Temple Bar, passing countless bars along the way. Most Irish or themed, there isn’t a bar you don’t want to visit. Dublin was a lot busier than Belfast and again, throughout the day I heard a lot of accents and languages proving they were here to enjoy their weekend. Sadly, the rain came along and we hurried inside to have lunch and a pint of Dublin’s finest Guinness. I was told the Guinness is smoother to drink here than anywhere else and I can confirm this is correct. We stayed in this bar a little longer than expected due to the downpour but once it had dried up we were back out playing tourist, people watching and calling into every other shop for a browse. We decided it best to head back and check out early so we could make our way to the airport on time. The train back became full of hurling fans who had just been to a match. It was a pleasant day and a shame for our trip to be almost over, but like anything, all good things come to an end. The staff onboard had kept our suitcases which was a huge help, and we made our way off the ship and stood for our final picture as a group.

This was my first experience on a cruise ship, and it went way above my expectations. I loved how I could go Scotland to Ireland, town to city without having to pack and unpack. Meeting people from around the world having dinner and real conversation was heartening, but I honestly think the staff onboard Star Legend made the experience so wholesome. My room attendant Tri was there whenever I needed. He gave me more bananas after asking my favourite fruit and me telling him I enjoyed them for breakfast and as a pre-workout snack, he filled my fridge with the soft drinks I preferred, and my room was always made up with such precision.

For anyone considering a cruise, I found trying a smaller cruise liner first to be a winner. If you are someone who enjoys some quiet time with picturesque views and homely feels, Star Legend will give you all of this and more!
