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My First Cruise: Emerald Princess Educational

Date Posted: 25/10/2022

Cruising is a great way to explore the world and see it from a completely new perspective! With cruising becoming more and more popular every year, more and more people are saying bon voyage to the UK shores and setting sail on their first cruise. Dylan from our social media team recently returned from his first ever cruise! Here is his experience of sailing around the UK isles on board the Emerald Princess. 

“Earlier this year, I was given the opportunity to embark on my first ever cruise, courtesy of Hays Travel and Princess Cruises. I was surprised to be offered such an amazing opportunity so early into my travel career, but was delighted to take it.

I arrived at Southampton port after a short flight from Newcastle and a quick taxi from the airport. After a quick run through the port, I was greeted by an absolute colossus, in Emerald Princess. 

Boarding the ship, I was slightly nervous, as I had absolutely no idea what to expect - but what I did find was amazing. From gilded staircases to opulent chandeliers, you could definitely tell it was a luxury cruiseship. Admittedly, I went straight to the bar! 

I thought with the voyage being all inclusive, the food and drink weren’t going to be the best quality - but I was absolutely wrong. Everything was premium from top to bottom, I felt like royalty getting food and drinks of such quality for free! 

I spent the next couple of hours exploring the cruise ship (whilst the lovely staff sorted out our bedrooms and took our suitcases up), and I immediately got lost in the giant vessel. Casinos, a giant theatre, night clubs, bars and restaurants - I could’ve explored the place forever. Truthfully, it took me until the last day to finally learn where everything was! 

I spent the evening at Michelangelo, the onboard restaurant for a speciality meal, where I met up with other agents and Princess workers, discussing the future of Princess Cruises - while enjoying a lovely steak!  

The next day, we spent at sea - so I took the opportunity to try and learn the ship. Given the size of the boat and the variety of activities, I didn’t do too well - so I went around trying all the tasty treats! Starting at the Slice Pizzeria, trying out The Salty Dog Grill, then treating myself at Coffee and Cones, for a bit of ice cream and a lovely latte. I spent the night at Michelangelo once again - where I sat with directors of Emerald Princess, and enjoyed another delicious dinner. 

On day 3, we arrived in Cobh (Cork). Disembarking off the ship, I was greeted by colourful streets and seemingly happy folk. I walked down the street and past the sea to the sound of buskers playing traditional Irish tunes, went into Kelly’s Bar and enjoyed a pint. I shortly left, and after exploring Cobh for a little while longer, I went back onto the ship to enjoy my final evening on board. 

I was invited to Sabatini’s, where I met with the directors one last time, and enjoyed some delicious Italian cuisine - with a bit of Tiramisu for dessert! 

In the morning, we all disembarked quickly off the ship, said our goodbyes and ventured into Dublin city centre. Similar to Cobh, the streets were lined with happy folk, plenty of lights, colourful buildings and singing citizens. No trip to Dublin would be complete without a visit to the world famous pub, The Temple Bar. We recognised the red, light covered building from a mile away - so we went in, ordered a Guinness, and once again enjoyed traditional Irish anthems from a local musician. A truly magical experience! 


We shortly left for the airport, and before I knew it, I was back home in Newcastle. 

I absolutely LOVED my first cruise, and I’ll be booking another in the future. I couldn’t recommend it more! 



Are you thinking about booking your first ever cruise?

Contact our agents in store or on social media to find the perfect one for you!
