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An Adventure Down the Mekong with Scenic: Educational Trip

Date Posted: 09/11/2022

Perfect destinations for adventure, culture and wonder; Cambodia and Vietnam are a dynamic pairing that are a must visit for any worldly travellers. No matter if you’re younger or older, like a holiday full of luxury or prefer to rough it; these destinations have amazing ways to get around and see the country up close and personal.

Lauren from our Social Media Team recently returned from a voyage on board Scenic Spirit where she had the chance to experience a section of their majestic Mekong River cruise through Cambodia and Vietnam. We couldn’t wait to share this once-in-a-lifetime trip and showcase the joys of sailing down these waterways.

Here’s everything she got up to during her 8 days in Cambodia - this is a long one jam-packed with adventure, so settle in and enjoy! 


My journey began with a series of airport trips, power naps and ever-changing time zones; flying from London Heathrow to Doha to Bangkok to the final destination Phnom Penh. It takes some time to get there, but the journey is so worth it- trust me! Plus it was exciting discovering our fellow cruisers along the way- Scenic backpacks and luggage tags were a big give away so keep an eye out. 

The Far East is a must visit destination and if you are planning a trip to these faraway lands, definitely add Cambodia and Vietnam to your list. For lovers of luxury, there is no better way to see them, than with Scenic Cruises. From the first day, Scenic Cruises took care of our every need. Our pre-cruise stay was at the beautiful Hyatt Regency hotel, where we were free to roam the waterfront city of Phnom Penh- a taste of the amazing adventure that awaited us. If you choose to stay at the Hyatt Regency as part of your package, go to the roof top bar, the views are incredible.

Day 1: 

Embarkation day was the one I was eagerly awaiting. As we pulled up to Scenic Spirit it was evident why this ship is considered the queen of this waterway. A modern vessel that rivals the best hotels, this ship was phenomenal. It is considered a “small ship”, don’t be fooled- small definitely does not mean cramped. With spacious lounges, dining room and sun deck that spanned the entire top deck; the ship was simply perfect.

I spent the day exploring the on board facilities of both Scenic Spirit and Emerald Harmony. Very similar ships in terms of style. However, if you are looking for that extra special holiday, it doesn’t get better than the all-inclusive luxury of Scenic Spirit. With personal butlers, amazing excursion choices and of course endless supplies of food and drinks; your journey is just that little more effortless! Our night was filled with music at the Gala Welcome Dinner where we put on our best frocks and watched cultural Cambodian dances performed by a local dance school before getting the chance to let loose on the dance floor with a live band performance.- it was a great icebreaker to meet the other guests. 

Day 2: 

Today was the start of our jam-packed Scenic Itinerary. I chose to travel to the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museaum and Killing Fields to take a step back into the recent history of Cambodia’s tragic 1980’s past during the Khmer Rouge. A sombre experience, this was an eye-opening trip that left many of us deep in thought– I definitely recommend this choice if you are lover of history and culture; some of the events are truly harrowing and unbelievable.  


We returned to the ship for a delicious steak dinner, before it was time to bid farewell to Emerald Harmony as she set sail down the Mekong heading for Vietnam. In the evening we had a City Lights by Night Tour of Phnom Penh – one of my highlights of the whole trip! In rainy season fashion the night welcomed in a thunderstorm. But I found this just made the whole experience more unique and exciting- whizzing through the streets on tuk tuks as lightning flashed in the distance and thunder echoed all around; it was amazing! The tour ended with a night at the Samai Rum distillery where we were encourage to try all of the different flavours and tasty cocktail creations. 

Day 3: 

Up bright and early, I headed for breakfast ready for a day filled with more adventure. From the typical fry up options to pancakes, fruit, fresh omelettes, eggs benedict, meats, cheese, cereal and everything in between – there was something for even the pickiest of eaters to indulge. My first tour of the day took me to the Oudong Vipassana Dhurak Buddhist Centre where we watched the traditional practices of the Monks and spoke to the Nuns who also lived there. It was a great chance to see some amazing architecture but also learn more about why so many people join the monastery at different times of their life.

Our lunch on the ship was certainly… special. The crew had organised a traditional Street Food Event. And for those of us who were not faint of heart- there was the option to try the more unusual snacks like: tarantula, cockroaches, crickets and silk worms- all much loved delicacies in the country. It was great fun and if you are brave enough, I’d encourage you to try the snacks, after all you may never get the chance to again.

In the afternoon, we headed to the Royal Palace to take a look at the grounds- a great photo opportunity to remember the trip. Once we headed back to the ship, I discovered an invite to the chef’s table on my bed for the evening. If you get the opportunity to be invited- definitely accept! The 10 course meal was one I will probably never get the chance to experience again. From caviar, lobster, and beef cheek to soups and so many variations of coconut for desert, the meal was indulgent and of course delicious- and after the 5 different wines and various ports that were paired with each dish you are certainly destined for a very merry evening.

Day 4: 

As we meandered further down the Mekong River, our next stop was Silk Island. It isn’t until you see a luxury river ship anchored to a nearby tree and a handmade docking point, that you realise just how talented Scenic Spirit's crew is – they really can take you deep into the heart of the destination unlike the large cruise liners. Our tour of Silk Island was a chance to see the traditional methods of making silk and purchase some lovely products made by the locals- a perfect gift for family and friends back home.

Once back on the ship we had a hilarious presentation by our fabulous guide Dara on the many ways to wear a Cambodian scarf. I had the pleasure of having Dara as my tour guide from pick up at the airport all the way to my last night in Siem Reap and he was a huge highlight of the trip; humorous, knowledgeable and fun- everything you could want in a tour guide. Many guests were rocking the looks in the following days with the scarfs bought on the Island.

Our afternoon was spent in a local village where we met with a teacher who taught the young children English. We spent some time with the kids, aged 5-12, helping them with their daily lesson- it was a really fulfilling experience; one I didn’t I expect on the itinerary but was very pleased to get the chance to do.

Day 5: 

Today marked our last day on the ship before we headed off to our next home in Siem Reap. Docked at the base of an ancient hilltop temple, we started the 300 step ascent from the river bank to the top where we were to receive our blessing from the monks. Don’t worry if you are worried about the stairs, Scenic have you covered with a private coach to take you to the top if you prefer. With stunning views for miles over the Mekong River, this temple was a perfect stop for our last day on the river.

The blessing itself lasted for around 10 minutes and involved Buddhist chanting and flower throwing. After the blessing you could choose to receive a personal blessing in which they tie a red string around your wrist for good luck. The whole experience was great and an amazing insight into the religious practices of the Buddhist culture.

In the afternoon we headed into a farming village to see the local way of life. We entered the home of a successful fruit farmer who had been working for decades on his business. Living in a home high above the ground on stilts, the residence had 3 generations of the family living within its 2 bedrooms. The elderly couple who welcomed us into their home were lovely and offered us some of their produce to taste.

Day 6: 

At 9am we bid farewell to our amazing home on the water and said our goodbyes to the fantastic crew before boarding our coaches. The ride to Siem Reap was broken up with a visit to the roadside rock calving vendors and Angkorian bridge. For lunch we stopped at a traditional Camdoian Restaurant and tucked into some delicious cuisines, ready for our check in at Raffles Grand Hotel d'Angkor.

The Raffles Grand Hotel d'Angkor at Siem Reap is unbelievable; a tranquil retreat that welcomes you in with warm staff. And of course our first stop was the pool! After a dip in its refreshing waters and a cheeky cocktail, we got ready to explore the nightlife of this small city. Heading for the aptly named ‘Pub Street’ we took the chance to enjoy some good old western delicacies… burgers. The perfect place to socialise, drink and eat- Pub Street is packed with things to do. With pool tables, karaoke, beer pong, darts and table football scattered around the bars our evening was spent having fun and soaking up the bustling atmosphere.

Day 7: 

The next morning was spent enjoying the hotel and seeing everything on offer with a guided tour before we were invited to enjoy a special dinner at hotel restaurant. We then headed to the largest religious temple in the world and a must see bucket list site- Angkor Wat. I will say, the images do not do this place justice- it is amazing.

From the intricate artwork carved into every inch of the temple to the sheer size of the historic site; the whole experience left me in awe. At the temple you able to “ascend to the heavens”, where the past kings used to pray, and look out over the lands. If you are not scared of steep stairs and heights, definitely head up- the views are fabulous. As I strolled back through the ruins, I bumped into the local troop of monkeys snacking on some flowers, which ticked off another sight off my to do list! The evening was left to enjoy at our leisure. So I took the opportunity to hop on a tuk tuk and have a tour of the city. For 1 hour it cost us $10. The driver took us to local monuments and the night markets where we were able to grab some bargains. My top tip would be to haggle as much as you can- try for less than half price. My personal favourite gifts were the small lucky elephant statues- I ended up with 5 by the end of my trip! 

Day 8: 

Today was sadly our last day with Scenic but one that was packed with wonder. We had a 4:30am wakeup call, which to some may be the last thing they want on a holiday. But I can assure you, you don’t want to miss this tour. Heading back to Angkor Wat, we settled into a spot by the lake to watch the sky erupt with busts of burning oranges as the sun rose over the ancient temple. A truly unforgettable experience, the tranquil hour I spent watching the dragonflies dance across the water’s surface as Cambodia awoke was something I will remember forever. We then headed off to enjoy a Champagne Breakfast before a day filled with temple exploring!

Now if you're a lover of the ancient times, this tour is ideal for you. It is amazing just how much history is scattered around the area surrounding Ankor Wat. Our first stop was Angkor Thom, a bridge that illustrates the battle between gods and demons, and then the multi-faced Bayon Temple. 

Our next temple tour was the jungle covered Ta Prohm Temple, more commonly known as the Tomb Raider Temple. A set location for the block buster, this temple housed Angelina Jolie in many of her iconic fight scenes. As you journey through the ruins, there is a huge tree that has made its home in the walls of the temple, it is great spot for a photo! But this wasn't the last temple on our itinerary... 

We returned to our hotel for some down time and to freshen up for the magical farewell event that awaited us. Probably my best evening of the whole trip, we headed to the ruins of Prasat Kravan for a candle lit dinner beneath the stars. With traditional performances, a delicious meal and a setting that was out of this world- the entire evening was right out of a film and I spent time reminiscing with the friends I had made along the way about the amazing journey we had been on together.  The perfect finish to my wonderous time in Cambodia. 


This was my first time ever cruising and I don't think there could have been a better itinerary to introduce me to the cruising way of life. I never really considered cruising as I am 23 and thought of cruises, river cruises in particular, as an older market but I couldn't have been more wrong. Scenic Cruise itineraries adapt to all ages and I think this is their beauty- younger or older you can enjoy the wonders of a destination in style. If you are thinking about booking this bucket list trip - do it! I can guarantee it will be the best holiday ever. I will definitely be booking another cruise in the future! 


Would you love to travel Cambodia? 

