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Staying safe when you travel – Summer 2024

Date Posted: 09/08/2024

With summer 2024 in full swing, we want everyone to enjoy their holiday and stay safe.

We’ve assembled a few tips, recommended by the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO), to help you do just that:

Make sure you have the right insurance cover:

1. If you’re planning to enjoy activities such as quad biking or water sports on holiday, make sure that they are covered in your travel insurance. Many policies don’t include these as standard.

2. Double check the whole of your trip is covered on your policy, as some travel insurance policies have a trip length limit.

3. Take a printed copy of your insurer’s details, policy number and any emergency numbers with you on your trip. That way if you lose or break your phone while overseas you could still access your travel insurance info.

4. Be sure to include all medical conditions when arranging your insurance – not declaring a pre-existing medical condition can make your cover invalid, even if it’s not related to your claim.

Check travel advice and any local laws relevant to your destination:

1. Visit the FCDO Travel Advice web area before your holiday for up-to-date information about your destination. We recommend that you sign up for alerts for your destination, so you have all the latest knowledge you need about entry requirements, safety and security, health, and local laws.

Travelling with friends:

Make sure you and your friends stay safe when travelling by following these simple steps:

1. Agree a meeting place with your friends in case someone gets lost, or you can’t reach each other by phone.

2. Use a messaging app and set up a group chat – so you can keep in touch and even send your location to your friends.

3. Stay together - don’t leave anyone behind or let one of your group go off on their own.

4. Keep an eye on your drinks by not leaving them unattended and do not accept drinks from strangers.

For more government recommended information and advice visit:

Advice for going aboard or Foreign Travel Advice or follow the Travel Aware campaign on social media: Facebook: FCDO Travel Advice | Facebook: Stick with your mates | X / Twitter
