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My first week at Hays Travel: Lisa Dumigan

Date Posted: 25/10/2017

After noticing a new Hays Travel branch opening in my local area, Hove, it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to get back into travel after ten months away from the industry. I filled in the online application, which was a quick and easy process, and was contacted within a couple of days by the recruitment team at Hays Travel. They were very friendly and efficient in talking me through the interview process. I was given a date and time for my interview, which I was excited about and made a start on preparing myself for the possible questions I may be asked. I was feeling nervous and a little anxious. When the day came and I arrived at my interview, I was greeted with a warm welcome by the Hays Travel staff at the branch where my interview was taking place, which put me at ease right away.

I was interviewed by Andrew and Jo, who were absolutely lovely and a pleasure to meet. During the interview I felt comfortable and enjoyed the whole process and left feeling happy. Thinking back to some of the answers I gave to some questions, it made me a little worried as I could have answered them a lot better and thought that this may hinder my chances of getting my dream role as Manager.

Less than a week later, I received a call from recruitment who asked me what my thoughts were on the interview to which my reply was “I didn’t answer some of the questions as well as I could have”. I doubted myself a little. I was then I was given the amazing news that I have been offered the job as Manager! I was both excited and a little apprehensive at the thought of going into a brand new store with a new team and wondered how I would be perceived by the staff.

The training given by Hays Travel has been an absolute pleasure and a great experience, it’s not just about training but also coaching and the support you get from the whole business is the best I have had. The support from all individuals including; regional sales managers, the fab training team, head office and other branches as well as my own team has been amazing. 

Opening day was great, as I got to spend time with my new team and get to know everyone individually. The shop was gleaming as it is brand new and it was fantastic to know that everything was so new and fresh! It had been a little quiet, but now it is so good to see the days getting busier as the weeks go by. One thing I love is meeting the local community; it is great to meet such a mix of people. My team are now my family and I look forward coming into work every day.

Hays Travel is now my second family and I am looking forward in growing along with them as the business expands in success!


