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Top Pick Cafe in... Santorini

Date Posted: 26/09/2018

At the Enigma Café, it’s more about the views than the coffee. Yet, the coffee is delicious and it’s a great place to sit down and enjoy one with an exquisite continental breakfast. However, the real winner here is the experience. The beautiful, cosy café is filled with relaxing colours and is topped off by the BEST part… the views over the caldera. The Enigma Café offers incredible, unobstructed views and sunsets are particularly gorgeous.  

 At night it doubles up as a cocktail bar, so it’s perfect for whatever time of day you decide to go. Everywhere you go in Santorini in the evening is like being in a fairy tale. Enigma Café makes for a great place to watch the twinkling stars and the reflection of the full moon in the dark waters. Magical.

