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Top Pick Cafe in... Paris!

Date Posted: 26/09/2018

Paris – the city of love (and they sure do love their coffee!) Un express’, s’il vous plaît! That’s the most common way of asking for an espresso in Paris. Most Parisians prefer the intense and bold flavour of an espresso. Just be careful because if you ask for a coffee without mentioning which type, you’ll automatically be given an espresso. The average cost for espresso is between €1.80 and €2.80.

Just off Canal Saint-Martin is Ten Belles – a café co-owned and opened by star barista, Thomas Lehoux. The beautiful pinewood storefront is decorated with plants and herbs and welcomes you into the café. Ten Belles offers the finest (yet time-consuming) drip coffee. Drip coffee is made by dripping boiling water over ground coffee; these beans are ground a lot finer than espresso coffee. Food here is especially good, with sandwiches, soups, salads and pizza available and a range of desserts that include delicious brownies and raspberry crumb bars. Dreamy.

